13.04.02 - english weekly news
08.04.02 - Schlechtes Wetter
07.04.02 - Guetä Sunntig
06.04.02 - Ein fulminanter Start
05.04.02 - Freude, Start und kalte Suppe
03.03.02 - Vorbereitung und Training
02.03.02 - Routen, Gipfel und Berge
01.03.02 - Graubünden
28.02.02 - Background team
27.02.02 - Projektpartner
2002-02-27 00:01:00 - Statistic
day: 7
peaks: 18/460
to day: 0
region: Surselva
When we woke up at the Tuoi-hut there was already snow and the ceiling was low. We descended to Guarda, from where we took the train to Scuol. We climbed Piz Minschun and turned around before we tried the second peak.
Back down in Scuol, Emil`s wife Barbara and their daughter Naina picked us up and drove us to Ardez. Just before dawn we reached Piz Cotschen in a heavy snowstorm and fog.
After the first three days we decided on arrest day. Good sleep, a lot of food and some office work made that Tuesday go by quickly. Because of still unpredictable weather conditions we stayed in our home area where we climbed three more peaks. Only the first one was in the fog, so we had a nice view and two good runs skiing.
On Thursday we did the this project?s record of a little more then 3000 vertical meters and got to the second peak of that day in a real storm and fog again. Since the cable cars in Flims/Laax only run until April the 14th, we went to that area, where we did the Bündner and the Glarner Vorab. The view was nice every once in a wile and we hope to have gotten a few good pictures. We were accompanied by Gaudenz Danuser, Emil`s friend and photographer from Flims.
Back in that same area on Saturday we were again using maps and compass. 100 meters below the peak we turned around. There was no sight, a heavy snow storm and dangerous avalanche conditions.
We did 18 of 460 peaks in the first week of Graubünden3000. A few more were planned but considering that only the first two days were nice, we are happy that we started well.